Sunday, 18 August 2013

Week 1 Dish 1: Baked banana and nectarine with soya yoghurt (vegan)

A very simple and pretty healthy recipe for my first dish. The inspiration for this was really ripe bananas that would otherwise go to waste and a box of 26 nectarines for £3.99.
Looks yummy right?? Well here's the recipe:

Serves 4: 1/2 banana and 1/2 nectarine each
2 nectarines, pitted and cut into 8ths
2 ripe bananas, cut into chunks
4 tsps honey (agave nectar [available from health food shops like Hollan and Barret] if you're a strict vegan)
Cinnamon to taste
As much soya yogurt as you want
  1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  2. Put the nectarines in the middle of a large square of foil, drizzle with 2 tsps honey and fold the foil over to create a packet.
  3. Repeat with the bananas, adding cinnamon as well as honey. 
  4. Place on a baking dish (preferably not a flat one in case of juice leakage) and bake for 15 minutes until soft (the nectarines may require longer). 
  5. Remove from the packets, plate up with soya yogurt, and enjoy the gooey goodness!
Original recipes: baked bananas and baked nectarines

Read all about it
The high potassium content of bananas provide protection to the cardiovascular system - helps guard against high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and stroke[1]
Nectarines contain vitamin C, anti-oxidants and other good stuff[2]

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