Friday 18 October 2013

Vegan strawberry banana milkshake/ smoothie

As promised, here is the strawberry banana smoothie recipe. I decided not to make it with oats this time because I wanted something that wasn't so filling (but feel free to add them if you would like for a yummy filling breakfast smoothies). It's a very flexible recipe, you can add whatever fruit you want. I would recommend having at least one banana because it gives the smoothie a nice creamy taste. You can also change the amount of milk to make it as thick as you want - enjoy!
Serves 4
1 large ripe banana
3-4 cups strawberries
3 cups soya milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
2-3 tbsp maple syrup/ agave nectar/ honey

  1. I don't think this needs explaining really but here goes...Put everything in the blender and pulse until smooth. Drink!! 

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